FREE SEDA Automative Industry Courses

Have you submitted your application for the FREE SEDA Automotive Industry Courses?

Couse One: Quality & Standard, Cooperative Governance, and Marketing Principles Skills Training.

Course Two: Safety & Health Environment and Quality – New Tyre Practitioner Occupation Training.

Call 011 085 0396 or email to apply.

The program takes place over 5 Days with venue and catering Included, and is open to SMMEs in the Automotive Industry across all provinces. People with disabilities are also encouraged to apply.

Hurry! Applications will close soon!

#FREE #Course #SMMEs #SouthAfrica #SouthAfricans #Automotive #Tyre #FridayFeeling #Mzansi #Training #CooperativeGovernance #BeYourBest #Opportunity #Entrepreneurs #Entrepreneurship #Apply


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